
If you desire, I  will organize adventures, one day a Trees theme, going out and looking at trees, coming home and reading about them, then some drawing of trees. Another day Birds, another day Flowers. We could build a tree fort or a child's garden with your child(ren).


We can plant a garden in containers. If the bicycle or skateboard is broken this can become a lesson how they work and fixing them.  An afternoon can be spent building hand made kites and turn into a study of airplanes or birds. There are easy kites for a 2 year old or kites that explore solid geometry.


Not all Arts and Crafts need or should be directed. Just exploring with color and shape is important for young minds. 

I believe that we all, children especially, need to just be in nature. Children are developing such fast and expansive minds, nature is the special tool to help keep this growth healthy.


Even the homework, chores and music lesson practice can be made interesting.

I believe in introducing children to nature early and often.  Being in the woods or just outside can be the classroom, place of wonder, excitement and peace.

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